snohouse 2
Whitehorse, Yukon
This house is located in the forest a short distance from downtown Whitehorse. It is comprised of a main residence and two bed and breakfast units.
The house is perched at the top of a treed cliff, overlooking a small valley below. It is sensitively located within the prevailing bedrock on site and the rear of the house has a volumetric relationship with a number of outcrops. The house is clad in dark brown corrugated metal, which provides a robust building material that disappears amongst the lodgepole pine and white spruce. Small amounts of clear hemlock siding articulate subtractions carved from the overall form. The main house is organized around a central stair which is articulated by a two storey douglas fir screen that rises up from the main floor. Large windows frame views of the forest and provide the 'borrowed scenery' of the landscape into each of the rooms they are located.